αληθινό μέταλ από την αμερική που γουστάρουμε.
Κοραλλιόπληκτα μεζεδάκια
Πριν από 6 ώρες
Στο χωριό Νενέδες, στις Έξι Γειτονιές, ένας χωριάτης έπαιζε τη λύρα και χόρευαν άλλοι χοριανοί του, όλοι μεθυσμένοι. Έξαφνα, τον άρπαξαν οι νεράιδες και τον πήγαν στον Τρυπιόβραχο, έναν άγριο τόπο όπου είναι μεγάλοι βράχοι. Πολλοί ακούσανε με τ' αυτιά τους που έπαιζε τη λύρα στον αέρα. Ύστερα από τρεις μέρες τον εβρήκαν, και έλεγε πως τον ανάγκαζαν οι νεράιδες να παίζει τη λύρα του και να χορεύουν
πλημμύρισαν ισόγεια υπόγεια
ημιυπόγειες φωτογραφίες
παρασύρθηκαν φτωχολησμονιές
ξεχνάμε πως η καταστροφή
πίσω απ' τις μικρές απροσεξίες μας
κρυμμένη καιροφυλακτεί
φταίνε κυρίως τα φρεάτια
μπούκωσε η παλαιότητα του κόσμου
δεν τραβάνε οι σχισμές
αλλά εμείς εκεί, απρόσεκτα γεννημένοι
ρίχνουμε τόνους χαρτί
και ό,τι άλλο μας παιδεύει
μέσα στις λέξεις
"Unto the Gods I call your name
The crucifixion of my brain
As I wait for you
Into the field, I've lost my way
I've opened veins just for the day
As I wait for you
The thoughts that linger in my head
They cry out for the dead
As they wait for you
Call my name, Call my name
Into the Carnival of Souls
Surrendered to the fight
They dance upon the edge
They dance upon the night
To wake up in the dark
And find they've lost their way
Their way back to the door
Their way back to the light
I've opened doors, I've opened minds
I've opened yours a thousand times
As I wait for you
I've fought the battle from the start
I've opened sores inside my heart
It bleeds without remorse
The thought that linger in my heard
They cry out for the dead
As they wait for you
Call my name, Call my name
Into the Carnival of Souls
Surrendered to the fight
They dance upon the edge
They dance upon the night
To wake up in the dark
And find they've lost their way
Their way back to the door
Their way back to the light"
"Show me a politician who's a man we can trust
And if I ever meet him then I think I'll have him stuffed
Look out of the window - see not one happy face
The only splash of colour's the graffiti 'round the place.
It's hard to even crawl
With your back up against the wall.
I find it hard to sleep at night
I feel that the worst is yet to come
Social helter-skelter
Ride the downward spiral has begun.
Are some people just born bad
Or is it how we all become?
Human termites driven mad
In the concrete mound of the rising slum.
The people who are dark fear the people who are fair
And hippies live in terror of the guys who have no hair
The saddest thing of all - what I really find grim
Is we haven't yet noticed what a mess we're all in.
It's hard to even crawl
Now your back's up against the wall.
I find it hard to sleep at night
I feel that the worst is yet to come
Social helter-skelter
Ride the downward spiral has begun.
Are some people just born bad
Or is it how we all become?
Human termites driven mad
In the concrete mound of the rising slum.
The "whether man" says that the outlook's not great
A few outbreaks of murder with some isolated rape
I ask my doctor his advice, this is what he says,
"Get yourself some cancer boy, before you die of aids."
It's hard to even crawl
With your back up against the wall.
I find it hard to sleep at night
I feel that the worst is yet to come
Social helter-skelter
Ride the downward spiral has begun.
Are some people just born bad
Or is it how we all become?
Human termites driven mad
In the concrete mound of the rising slum"